After documents have been indexed, users may update or edit attribute data as well as revise individual documents. As these changes are made, they are recorded in Document History which serves as an audit trail for administrative review. Reasons for these changes to individual records may be noted in the Notes panel for future reference.
The Notes panel is
beneficial to users because it allows for adding comments to a
document as illustrated below. For example, the outlined
document in this figure has a note. When a note is entered
for a specific document, the icon appears in the Note column next
to that document. The Notes and History tabs
are located at the bottom of the screen; click the Notes tab
to view the notes for the highlighted document. This note,
‘Additional services rendered’ has been entered on 5/16/2014 at
9:35:14 AM by the User “demo”. The Notes panel will
update automatically as other documents are selected. If the
Notes panel has been removed from the view, it may be
returned by clicking the Notes button
from theDocument ribbon
Note: Once a note is entered, it cannot be updated or changed. Notes cannot be searched. The “Update Document” permission is required for individual users to add notes.
To edit a document, right-click on the
highlighted document and select Edit from the drop-down menu
as demonstrated below. You may also click on the Edit button
from the Document ribbon
The “Edit Document” window appears so that changes may be made to the document as illustrated on the next page. The Document Type for editing in this sample is “Invoice”. Once the document is updated, click “Save” to save the changes; if the user decides that no changes are necessary, click “Cancel”.
Selecting a new Document Type in the drop-down menu will refresh the screen to display the attributes applicable to the selected Document Type. When the user clicks “Save,” the window below appears to confirm the Document Type change. Click “Yes” to proceed.
If the new Document Type has attributes that match the original Document Type, the initial data will be retained. Any attributes of the new Document Type that do not match the original Document Type will be empty, and the new information can be entered.
To edit multiple documents, right-click on the highlighted documents and select Edit from the drop-down. You may also use the Edit button on the ribbon.
When more than one document is selected for editing, only the attributes that are applicable to both documents will appear. Check the box next to the attribute you wish to edit, update the index information and then click “Update” when finished. This will update all the records with the new information. See the sample below.
Note: The Document Type field cannot be changed when using “Multiple Document Edit”. This can only be changed for one document at a time.
The grid displaying the indexed documents may
also be edited directly using (Ctrl+E) as illustrated
below. Toggling the Grid Edit button makes the search grid
act much like a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel in that
you can type directly into the fields. Use caution while
Grid Edit is enabled as changes are saved automatically once you
click off of the document row. Fields highlighted in gray
are either system fields or attributes that are not associated with
the document type; these fields cannot be edited.
To delete a document, right-click on a record
and select Delete, or highlight one or more records and
click the Delete button from the “Document” ribbon
group as illustrated below.
The “Confirm Delete” window appears to ensure that the user desires to delete the selected document; click “Yes” to proceed.
The user will then be prompted to enter a note explaining why the document was deleted as shown below. For example, this document was deleted because it was a duplicate document in the grid. Click “OK” to complete the delete process.
Records deleted from IQdesktop are never
actually deleted but are flagged as such, much like the Windows
recycling bin. Selecting “Include Deleted” button from the
Grid ribbon group allows a user to show or hide the deleted
documents if he or she has permissions to do so. Deleted
records have a red at the beginning of the record
as shown below.
Selecting “Undelete” from the Document ribbon
(or from the document’s right-click menu) as shown on the next page
removes the red from the record and returns
the document to its previous, searchable state.
The “Confirm Undelete” window appears to ensure that the user desires to undelete the selected document as shown here; click “Yes” to proceed.
The user will then be prompted to enter a note explaining why the document was undeleted as noted below.
Note: Users must have the “Delete Documents” permission to delete documents and the “View Deleted Documents” permission to search for and display documents with a “Deleted” status. To undelete a record, users must have both of the permissions listed above. See the ImageQuest Administrator’s Guide for more information.
IQdesktop supports the revision of documents so that original files can be replaced with more current files. Original files may still be accessed via the History panel (see the following page).
In a “Search” tab, right-click on the highlighted document and select Add Revision, or select it from the “Document” ribbon tab and click the “Add Revision” button as illustrated below.
After clicking Add Revision, the user will be prompted to locate a file to update the current record. The new file will replace the existing file. There is no limit on how many revisions are permitted to a document.
To view previous document revisions, right-click on any of the “Revision” actions in the History panel and click View Revision as shown below. To see the revision numbers, click the “Show Details” button.
Note: The file type being revised must be the same as the file type intended to be added, except in the case of .pdf files which may be .pdf or .tif.
Note: Documents that are revised will be re-queued for IQocr. Only the most recent revision will be full-text searchable.
Note: The “Update Document” permission is required for revising documents.
Anything that happens to a document, be it user related or system related, gets recorded into the History panel making it easy for someone to see exactly who did what and when. By default, the History panel is located at the bottom of the screen underneath the grid. Highlight a document and click on the History button at the screen in the “Document” ribbon group to see the History panel.
The History panel shows three columns, “Action”, “Event Date” and “User Name” as seen in the screenshot below. These columns can be sorted just like the main search grid columns.
See the screenshot below, which highlights the History Toolbar features—“Print”, “View Revision” and “Show Details”. The user may print the history of any document, view its revision (if any) or expand the action details to see more information.