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Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library Namespace

The ImageQuest Web Services API
Public classIQApiException
Represents an exception generated by the ImageQuest API system.
Public classIQAttribute
Represents a single ImageQuest attribute.
Public classIQDocument
Represents a single document in the ImageQuest system.
Public classIQDocumentAttribute
Represents a single metadata index value on a document.
Public classValidationResponse
Indicates the result of validating an ImageQuest attribute against a proposed new value.
Public interfaceCode exampleIIQAPI
Interface to the ImageQuest Web Services API.
Public enumerationIQAttributeType
List of available types for an ImageQuest attribute.

The ImageQuest Web Services API provides a version-agnostic interface for third-party developers to access documents in an ImageQuest document management system. The API allows developers to perform a significant subset of the operations available within the ImageQuest desktop client, as well as accessing system-level information that may be relevant to automated processing applications.

The ImageQuest Web Services API must be installed separately from the ImageQuest document management system, typically hosted on the same machine as the ImageQuest core services. The ImageQuest Web Services utilitizes the .NET 3.5 Windows Communications Framework to provide access to clients using .NET v2.0 Web References, .NET 3.5 Service References, and any other language or development environment that supports SOAP-based XML Web Services.

API consumer applications interact with the ImageQuest system through the IIQAPI interface, which is exposed to your application via the service host. Your development environment should use this interface to generate it's proxy class.