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IQAttributeType Enumeration

List of available types for an ImageQuest attribute.

Namespace:  Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library
Assembly:  Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library (in Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library.dll) Version:
public enum IQAttributeType
  Member nameValueDescription
Text0 Attribute contains free-form text data, or the empty string.
List1 Attribute contains one of a pre-defined set of text values.
DateTime2 Attribute contains a valid date, time, or date/time value.
Integer3 Attribute contains a numeric integral value.
TrueFalse4 Attribute contains a boolean value. ImageQuest recognizes both "true/false" and "1/0".
Numeric5 Attribute contains a numeric floating-point or fixed-point decimal value.
See Also