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IIQAPI Methods

The IIQAPI type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddNote
Add a note to a specific document.
Public methodAddRevision
Add a revision to the IQDocument object identified by the specified GUID.
Public methodCode exampleCreateDocument
Create a new document in ImageQuest with the specified index values and associated backing document.
Public methodDeleteDocument
Delete a document from the ImageQuest system.
Public methodDeleteDocumentById
Delete a document with a specific document ID from the ImageQuest system
Public methodGetAttributes
Retrieve the list of all valid attributes for the current cabinet.
Public methodGetDocument
Retrieve a single document from the ImageQuest system based on the document's unique identifier.
Public methodCode exampleGetDocumentStream
Retrieve the backing file data associated with a specified ImageQuest document
Public methodGetDocumentTypeAttributes
Return a list of attributed that are associated with the given document type.
Public methodGetDocumentTypes
Retrieve a list of defined document type schema definition names
Public methodGetListAttributeItems
Return a list of legal values for a particular IQ List Attribute
Public methodLogin
Log in to an ImageQuest cabinet as the specified ImageQuest user
Public methodRouteDocToRole
Route a document to a specific Role.
Public methodRouteDocToUser
Route a document to a specific User.
Public methodCode exampleSearch
Execute an ad-hoc ImageQuest query to return a desired set of ImageQuest documents.
Public methodSSOLogin
Log in to an ImageQuest cabinet using SSO
Public methodSystemLogin
Log in to an ImageQuest cabinet as a system-level process.
Public methodCode exampleUpdateDocument
Post changes to an existing IQDocument object into the ImageQuest system.
Public methodValidateAttribute
Performs data validation on a proposed value for an ImageQuest attribute.
See Also