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IIQAPIGetDocumentTypes Method

Retrieve a list of defined document type schema definition names

Namespace:  Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library
Assembly:  Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library (in Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library.dll) Version:
List<string> GetDocumentTypes(
	string token


Type: SystemString
User Authentication Token from a previous Login(String, String, String) or SystemLogin(String) call.

Return Value

Type: ListString
A string array containing the names of all document types available to the authenticated user.

The return value for this method is document as a generic ListT of strings. In most cases, the SOAP proxy class generator will serialize this value as a fixed-size array.

The names returned from this method are a subset of the list of defined document types available in the system. The list will only contain document types that can be legally created, viewed, or edited by the user whose credentials are provided as the security token. (Note that a user may have permission to view a given document type, but not create or edit it.)

See Also