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IIQAPIGetDocumentTypeAttributes Method

Return a list of attributed that are associated with the given document type.

Namespace:  Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library
Assembly:  Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library (in Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library.dll) Version:
List<IQAttribute> GetDocumentTypeAttributes(
	string token,
	string documentType


Type: SystemString
User Authentication Token from a previous Login(String, String, String) or SystemLogin(String) call.
Type: SystemString
Name of the document type to return attributes for.

Return Value

Type: ListIQAttribute
A list of IQAttribute objects representing the attributes that are associated with the given document type.

The return value for this method is documented as a generic ListT of IQAttribute objects. In most cases, the SOAP proxy class generator will serialize this value as a fixed-size array.

This method will return only those attributes that are directly associated with a given document type. Note that the API permits developers to supply data to any attribute for any document; however, attributes that are not explicitly associated with the document type are not visible to users in the client applications.

The set of attributes that are associated with a document type also defines the constraints that must be met to save a new or edited document. Any required attributes must have values, and any default values will be automatically populated, for all attributes that are associated with the document type.

See Also