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IIQAPIValidateAttribute Method

Performs data validation on a proposed value for an ImageQuest attribute.

Namespace:  Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library
Assembly:  Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library (in Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library.dll) Version:
ValidationResponse ValidateAttribute(
	string token,
	string attribute,
	string value


Type: SystemString
User Authentication Token from a previous Login(String, String, String) or SystemLogin(String) call.
Type: SystemString
Name of the attribute being validated
Type: SystemString
Proposed new value for the specified attribute

Return Value

Type: ValidationResponse
A ValidationResponse value specifying the validity of the attribute and the proposed value.

The ValidateAttribute(String, String, String) method will verify that a proposed value can be safely stored into an ImageQuest document's index metadata in the specified attribute, without generating an error. It verifies that the attribute exists, that the proposed value can be converted to the appropriate type, and that the proposed value meets all of the constraints defined on the attribute (e.g. length, mask, etc.)

The Success property will contain a true or false value indicating the final validity of the value. The Message property will be populated, if Success is false, with a description of which element of the validity test the attribute and proposed value did not pass.

See Also