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IIQAPILogin Method

Log in to an ImageQuest cabinet as the specified ImageQuest user

Namespace:  Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library
Assembly:  Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library (in Informa.ImageQuest.API.Library.dll) Version:
string Login(
	string username,
	string password,
	string cabinet


Type: SystemString
Name of the ImageQuest user
Type: SystemString
Password for the specified user
Type: SystemString
ImageQuest cabinet to connect to

Return Value

Type: String
A User Authentication Token associated with an ImageQuest connection to the specified cabinet with the supplied credentials.

The API consumer must call either this Login(String, String, String) method, the SSOLogin(String) method, or the SystemLogin(String) method, to obtain an authentication token before making any other requests to the API. This authentication token must be supplied to all other API methods.

The specified user must have access to the cabinet being requested. All future API calls are made within the context of this user's credentials, including the permissions and available list of document types.

See Also